Wednesday, January 24, 2007


I should be watching the Gunners destroy Spurs at the Lane but for some reason, there were technical problems at Setanta Sports and the game wasn't shown. I hope to watch it later tonight. We'll see...



franswazz said...

Bonjour ou plutot bonsoir David,
I too hope that you can see the game later on but but but
I know that you are a busy student and that on top of that you have a part time job probably need the sleep more than the game:(
In any case.......
GO ARSENAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Francoise Guiderdoni

marie said...

Un nouveau blog sur la blogosphère!

La fiancée de ce garçon a de la chance, car non seulement il est "beau garçon", mais intelligent aussi!

Longue vie à tous!
